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We’re hosting the next iteration of our Wareable Presents: Wearables London events series – and this one is a cracker.
The event will be on 13 September at TechSpace Shoreditch in London – and is free to attend.
We’re pleased to be welcoming a pair of excellent speakers – both with unique perspectives on the wearables industry.
Smart rings and the future of wellness wearables
Amaury Kosman, co-founder Circular

First up we’re honoured to welcome Amaury Kosman, the co-founder of French start-up Circular.
Its forthcoming smart ring is one of the most hotly anticipated wearables of 2022, putting wellness insights onto the finger.
Amaury will talk about the challenges of making a smart ring – and making health personable, actionable and useful. He will share his story and talk about the problems he believes can be solved by the smart ring form factor.
So what?! Making wellness data useful
Suzaan Sauerman (Jabra, Fitbit, Bellabeat, Pandora, Red Bull)

Suzaan Sauerman advises a host of wearables and smart technology companies, including Fitbit, Bowers and Wilkins and Pandora. She was also an executive at hearables company Jabra.
Suzaan isn’t just an advisor. She’s created her own smart bra, and has been collecting data from 50 women around the world.
She will discuss how that data has fed into her product development to create truly actionable insights, and how wearables can bridge the research gaps for female health.
Q&A – and panel discussion
The speakers will come together at the end for a panel and audience Q&A – and will explore:
- Interesting data applications in wearables
- The future of prevention in health/ wellness and how wearables play a part
- Open data platforms and how they can complement other wellness partners
The event is free and will be in TechSpace Shoreditch – in London – on 13 September from 6.30pm. To join us just register on the Eventbrite page.